Tim Mensinger (he/him)

PhD student in Economics


Hey! I’m Tim, a fourth-year PhD student in economics at the Bonn Graduate School of Economics.

I’m into econometrics & statistics, structural microeconometrics, causal inference, and programming. Besides that, I greatly advocate for reproducibility, the open-source philosophy, and sustainability.

Primarily, I studied economics at the University of Bonn, but I also attended lectures/took exams in mathematics and computer science. For more details on my education, see my curriculum vitae. Also, check out my GitHub to have a look at my projects.


If you want to work with me, extend one of my projects or simply have a chat, feel free to contact me via email or any other social network.

selected publications

  1. J Econom
    A wavelet method for panel models with jump discontinuities in the parameters
    Bada, O., Kneip, A., Liebl, D., Mensinger, T., Gualtieri, J., and Sickles, R.C.
    Journal of Econometrics 2021